Join us for a conversation with Dr. Nachito Herrera and Dr. Ramón Pastrano about Inclusion, Belonging and Cultural Competence.

September 18 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Developing cultural competence often begins with each individual’s increased awareness of one’s own culture and the effect one’s worldview has on understanding other cultures and dimensions of diversity. Cultural competence is important for our world. We can all continue to grow our abilities by reflecting others’ stories.

Nachito is a world-renowned pianist from Cuba. Ramón is a leading cultural competence expert and trainer from the Dominican Republic. Both currently reside in the Twin Cities. They will share insights and stories of their lives, and how their worldview shifted along their journeys.

“Cultural Competence is the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across all dimensions of cultures and diversity. Cultural competence encompasses being aware of one’s own world view (biases, mental models, etc.), developing positive attitudes towards cultural differences, and gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and world views. Cultural competence is having the wisdom, humility, courage and the ability to bridge, adapt and cognitively shift” – Dr. Ramón Pastrano

Sponsored by ImpactLives, Inc.
Supported by the Wayzata Symphony Orchestra

Be sure to also join the WSO to hear Nachito in concert on October 3 at Wayzata Central Middle School and October 10 at Orchestra Hall!

Free. No ticket required. Out of an abundance of caution for all of our guests, masks are required to be worn by all attendees.

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